How do I Object to the Implementation of the Guidelines
If you do not object to the standard guidelines no further action is necessary. However, if you do object to the guidelines please follow the following
You can find a link to "Instructions for Objecting to Implementation of the South Dakota Parenting Time Guidelines" directly below. You are advised to read
and follow these directions closely. You can also link a copy of the standard South Dakota Parenting Time Guidelines below.
If you disagree with the standard guidelines you must complete the "Objection to Order Implementing Parenting Time Guidelines" found below. You must
complete the Objection within 10 days from the time you received notice of the action.
The following instructions MUST be followed closely to properly complete the Objection,
- Fill out the top part of the form (called the Caption) with the information found at the top of your current support, visitation or custody
Order. Be sure to copy the information exactly as it is on your current support, custody or visitation order. (An example of the Caption can be
found below)

- Write down the section numbers you Agree with in paragraph one on the Objection form.
- Write down the section numbers you Disagree with in paragraph two of the Objection form.
- Write down the section numbers you partially Agree or Disagree in paragraph three of the Objection form.
- If you wish to further explain your answers, you may do so using the attached sheet marked for that purpose.
- Sign the Objection form in the presence of a Notary Public or Clerk of Court and have the Notary Public/Clerk of Court complete their portion.
By signing your name you are swearing to the Court that you are telling the truth. If you are not telling the truth, or if you are misleading
the court, or filing this document for an improper purpose, the Court can impose penalties.
- Make one copy for your records and one for the Petitioner. You must mail the opposing party a copy of your
Objection form.
- File your original Objection form with the Clerk of Court. Again, this must be done within ten (10) days of receiving the
"Notice of Petition for Implementing Parenting Time Guidelines."
Once you have filed the Objection with the Clerk of Court, they will set a court hearing date and send both parties a notice of hearing form.